Our Story
Your Story
Our story truly is your story too. At DRIP Initiative, Inc., our mission is to provide quality Transformational Leadership to addiction overcomers in a safe, supportive, and inspirational environment.
Transformed people can help transform society as they learn to "pay it forward" by empowering others with faith, hope, and love too.
DRIP Initiative, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization.
Donations are gratefully accepted.
Healed people heal people, and make the world a better place in the process. In a world where we all face numerous challenges—such as trying to find our place in society and realize our full potential—DRIP Initiative, Inc. (Disclosure, Recovery, Intentionality, and Perseverance) emerges as a guiding light for those who have become stuck in their addiction as they used it to cope and manage their stress.
DRIP Initiative, Inc., employs Transformational Leadership Theory (J.M. Burns, 2004) as a way to increase morality--both public and private--through inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and individualized consideration. Our primary aim is to develop authentic overcomers and future leaders in addiction recovery.
Transformation means change. Changed people can change the world, by paying it forward--one addict at a time. DRIP Initiative, Inc., focuses on instilling the values of disclosure (rigorous honesty), recovery, intentionality, and perseverance in every addict. This is achieved through in-person and online classes that stimulate intellectual and emotional growth and maturity.
The sky's the limit! Finding one's place in the world can be challenging. DRIP is here to help you not only find your place, but also to achieve greater things than you ever thought possible. Our goal is to help you realize your full potential by training you to take full advantage of your strengths while helping you shore up your weaknesses. The net result is a more confident, transparent, sober, and competent leader.
Learn to live intentionally. Excellence doesn't happen by accident. It is achieved by learning and applying tried and true principles. You can learn the skills necessary to lead and create the future you desire--and you can change the world in the process. At DRIP Initiative, Inc., we are targeting men and women whose lives have become unmanageable and who are ready to embrace change.