DRIP Initiative
DRIP Initiative, Inc. is a 12-step recovery program designed to give individuals a strong foundation in life skills and character development as they "retrain their brains" on how to overcome addictions of many kinds. People who have lost jobs and friends because of their addiction will be able to experience the joy of overcoming, and will gain new hope for the future too!
DRIP Initiative Core Tenets
In this world, finding your place can be difficult. It is even more difficult when you are dealing with the challenges of addiction. DRIP Initiative is here to not only help you find your place, but overcome the odds to achieve a better future.
Transformational Leadership
Changed people change the world.
Live Intentionally
Excellence doesn't happen by accident.
Pay It Forward
Teach what you learn.
You've got serious DRIP.
Luis J. "Lou Jack" Martinez earned his Bachelor's degree in English Literature from Claremont-Pitzer College and his Master's degree in Public Policy from Harvard University. Catherine Martinez is a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadership and Development at Grand Canyon University and holds Master's degree and a Bachelor's degree in Gerontology from USC and Mount St. Mary's University, respectively.
Lou Jack and Cathi have been married since 1993 and have served in the full-time Christian ministry for over 20 years. Together they have helped many individuals and couples to overcome their addictions and co-dependencies by sharing from a place of vulnerability, using both their personal experience with addiction and their training as pastoral counselors to change lives and pay it forward.